Sunday, October 16, 2011

October 15, 2011- Ronald McDonald House

I volunteered at the Ronald McDonald House today. The Ronald McDonald House is a very unique place to volunteer. The goal of Ronald McDonald house is to provide the pediatric patients and their families a place to stay and eat while they children are being treated at the hospital. A big part of the Ronald McDonald house is the volunteers who provide support by spending their hours to cook and help the patient and their families. Today, we baked brownies at the Ronald McDonald house. This was something I have not done before. However, I found the task really easy, because I opened up 2 boxes of brownie mix, added the indicated ingredients (oil) and then baked them for 40min in the oven. The brownies were ready and they were delicious. I felt that I may have brought a small bright spot in someone's day when they eat the brownie with milk. This task was so easy that I decided to come back home and bake another 2 boxes of Brownies for my Golf buddies, whom I am going to meet tomorrow morning.

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