Monday, October 3, 2011

October 2, 2011- Sarasota 5000 in Osprey, FL


We participated in Sarasota 5000 in Osprey, FL. This is a head race of 5000m. Head races are time-trial races, where you row a certain distance (in this case 5000m), in the fastest time you can. Typically, we launch at the dock and row at least 2-3 miles before launching from the start. So, the skill that has to be learned in the head races is to take it easy till you actually reach the start line. Usually, 4 of the 8 rowers row at one time to conserve the stamina of the whole team. Usually boats are seeded, and the top-seed boat launches the first. After 15-20 seconds, the next boat starts and so on. We were seeded second for this race behind the Sarasota Scullers. This is a really tough team to be competing against, the Sarasota Scullers were the National Champions 2010-2011. They also have more money and recruits compared to Gainesville Area Rowing. I was rowing in the Varsity 8+. I had not rowed with some of the team mates since my novice year. So, this was a whole new team, and in rowing it is really important to have the chemistry with your teammates to do well. So, I was really nervous to be on the same team with Jared, Ben, Alex and Peter. And, also really nervous to be rowing against Sarasota Scullers. The other obstacle was the course, which was quite treacherous, we also had no clue what the exact course was because it was so poorly marked. When we launched our Coxswain was like wait a minute where are we going. It was really hard for the cox to keep the course. Sarasota Scullers had an advantage because this is the Lake they row on for practice and they already know the nuances of the course and the shortest route. Anyways, I think we did pretty well, because we came in 2nd. This was also the first medal of the year for me, so it was special. All in all, my take from this race was that the more obstacles you are put up against, the better you perform because you now have to work really hard to overcome those obstacles. Epiphany: More obstacles = Better performance! Can't wait for the Head of the Hooch on the Chattahoochee river in Chattanooga, TN.

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